How do I install mcrypt? I'm using Leopard 10.5.8 with PHP5.
# Edit macports.conf
cd /opt/local/etc/macports
sudo nano macports.conf
# Change the line ....
universal_archs ppc i386
# to ...
universal_archs ppc ppc64 i386 x86_64
# Get the MCRYPT Library
sudo port install mcrypt +universal
Source: This page.
2009-09-19 16:41:36
Follow the instructions; checking info.php -- no mcrypt. Ideas?
2009-09-19 16:52:41
Did php compile without warnings with mcrypt enabled?
2009-09-19 17:12:45
In which stage? I'm not quite sure. If you'd tell me which command to run, it'll be very helpful.
2009-09-19 17:25:40
Well if you look at the linked page, below "Build and Install PHP". Commands to run are the lines in the orange box, not starting with hashmarks.
2009-09-19 17:43:47
It depends on how you've installed PHP.
If you installed PHP via macports, you can:
sudo port install php5-mcrypt +universal
If you custom-compiled your PHP, it's probably easiest to just recompile with: --with-mcrypt=/path/to/mcrypt
(Not sure where macports actually keeps it, since I don't use macports, but just compile my AMP stack (and most dependencies) from source)
2009-09-19 16:57:45
I tried running 'sudo port install php5-mcrypt +universal" and got this: <code>Skipping org.macports.activate (mcrypt +universal) since this port is already active</code>But info.php shows nothing, and phpMyAdmin still claims mcrypt is nowhere around its sight.
2009-09-19 17:23:20