



As part of a project I am working on I have been asked to split all the code in classes into regions eg:

#region public methods
#endregion public methods

#region public properties
#endregion public properties

#region private methods
#endregion private methods

#region private properties
#endregion private properties

How should I classify internal properties and event handlers

+3  A: 

Don't do it!: Code regions are counter-productive. If you want to encapsulate code, extract it and put it into it's own class.

Needing regions is a sign you have too much code in one class/method, and is therefore breaking the Single Responsibility Principle.

See Jeff Atwood's post on the topic: The Problem With Code Folding

Mitch Wheat
Agreed, it doesnt sound like jat45 is in a position to change this guideline though. Breaking a faulty standard is worse then partially introducing a new one.
Martijn Laarman
+1 for the sign of too much vode and the link
Johannes Rudolph
Thanks - I will do my best to get the guidelines changed (I believe there is sufficient support for the change) and will get down to some refactoring instead.
I don't think code regions are bad per se. Of course abusing is bad, as with anything; but having clear at least which part of your class is public and which part is private is something that code regions can help to.

If your company or contractor has such specific coding guidelines it's best to verify with the project (technical) leader / manager who mandated this design pattern in the first place.

My guess:

#region internal methods
Martijn Laarman
Please don't use regions!
Mitch Wheat
Agreed, it doesnt sound like jat45 is in a position to change this guideline though. Breaking a faulty standard is worse then partially introducing a new one.
Martijn Laarman

If you really need to use regions, and if you are restricted to those given in your question, I would put the internal properties in the private properties region. The events are a bit trickier, but I guess I would put them among the private methods. If was was force to use exactly those regions that is.

If I was writing code for myself, it would look quite different...

Fredrik Mörk