I have been requested to expose a web service for managing Active Directory Users via an intranet. I have been advised that LDAP is viewed as a security vulnerability and is not to be used.
Given this constraint, I have managed to connect via ADSI with a DirectoryEntry object like this:
DirectoryEntry de = new DirectoryEntry();
de.Path = "WinNT://TheDomain.local";
de.Username = "NTUser1";
de.Password = "pwdpwdpwd2";
I can loop through the children of this DirectoryEntry get the ones that are users. On the Users, I can see these basic properties: UserFlags, MaxStorage, PasswordAge, PasswordExpired, LoginHours, FullName, Description, BadPasswordAttempts, LastLogin, HomeDirectory, LoginScript, Profile, HomeDirDrive, Parameters, PrimaryGroupID, Name, MinPasswordLength, MaxPasswordAge, MinPasswordAge, PasswordHistoryLength, AutoUnlockInterval, LockoutObservationInterval, MaxBadPasswordsAllowed, objectSid.
There are a number of User properties that are visible in the Active Directory MMC that are not accessible from the DirectoryEntry object including: LastName, NameSuffix, Department, etc...
These other properties are all documented in msdn as being exposed by IADsUser (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa746340%28VS.85%29.aspx).
1) Is LDAP actually a vulnerable protocol? More so than the ADSI (WinNT) connection shown above? LDAP seems to be pretty common for this purpose.
2) How can I retrieve/set these other properties of the User?