Hi all,
Fairly new to LINQ and trying to wrap my head around extension methods. What I'm attempting to do:
1) Have a table with three columns, col1 (string), col2 (double), col3 (DateTime)
table1.Rows.Add("string 1", 1, new DateTime(2009, 01, 01));
table1.Rows.Add("string 1", 2, new DateTime(2009, 02, 01));
table1.Rows.Add("string 1",3, new DateTime(2009, 03, 01));
table1.Rows.Add("string 1", 4, new DateTime(2009, 04, 01));
table1.Rows.Add("string 2",1, new DateTime(2009, 05, 01));
table1.Rows.Add("string 2", 1, new DateTime(2009, 06, 01));
table1.Rows.Add("string 2", 5, new DateTime(2009, 07, 01));
table1.Rows.Add("string 3", 6, new DateTime(2009, 08, 01));
2) I need to write a LINQ query to group by column 1, and send the grouped rows to a method which returns a value double. Something like this
var query = from t in table1
group t by t.col1 into g
select new { r1 = g.Key, r2=mycalc(g))
3) and have an extension function:
public static double Median(this IEnumerable<DataSet1.DataTable1Row> source)
//calc using the grouped row data and return a dobule
I've been working on this for a bit and don't quite get it. Can someone please help?