




I would like to know any worth-reading recent books (published in 2009) on programming/software.

+1  A: 

Even Faster Web Sites

Greg Mattes
+2  A: 

Programming in Python 3 and Regular Expressions Cookbook

I'd vote for Regular Expressions Cookbook too but I guess I'm biased. If anyone doesn't have a copy yet, O'Reilly and I are doing a giveaway at http://www.regexguru.com in which anyone can participate until the end of the month (28 Feb 2010).
Jan Goyvaerts
+1  A: 

Programming Scala

Jon Homan
+1  A: 

I'm enjoying Ruby Best Practices, but it is only relevant to the Ruby language.

Kathy Van Stone
+2  A: 

The Definitive Guide to Django

One of the best I've ever read in terms of style and structure

+1  A: 

Clean Code is definitely a good read!

Mohan Gulati
+1  A: 

There are some book reviews here, check them out and see if you fancy anything there. For me, I just bought a copy of Programming in Python 3 and Programming in Scala.Nice books for a serious developer. :)

Helen Neely
+1  A: 
The Matt