



According to this Wikipedia article, you are allowed 3,000 files per app but I was reading a thread on Google Groups that someone's Java app received a warning when it tried to upload more than 1,000 files - he got around it by bundling some files inside jars. Which is correct?

+5  A: 

Guido van Rossum provides the answer in Google App Engine issue 161:

All, the combined limit on static and code files has indeed increased to 3000. There is no plan to increase it further. The following limits are also still in place:

  • 150 MB max combined size of code files

  • 10 MB max individual size of any file

  • 1000 files max per directory (not counting files in subdirectories)

In the quoted message, "blob" refers to static files; "file" refers to code files.

+4  A: 

According to the "Quotas and limits" section:

maximum total number of files (app files and static files) 3,000

The Java environment states the same
