I tried a usort, and sorted 15000 Person objects in around 1.8 seconds.
As you are concerned about the inefficiency of the calls to the comparison function, I compared it with a non-recursive Quicksort implementation. This actually ran in around one third of the time, approx 0.5 seconds.
Here's my code which benchmarks the two approaches
// Non-recurive Quicksort for an array of Person objects
// adapted from http://www.algorithmist.com/index.php/Quicksort_non-recursive.php
function quickSort( &$array )
$cur = 1;
$stack[1]['l'] = 0;
$stack[1]['r'] = count($array)-1;
$l = $stack[$cur]['l'];
$r = $stack[$cur]['r'];
$i = $l;
$j = $r;
$tmp = $array[(int)( ($l+$r)/2 )];
// partion the array in two parts.
// left from $tmp are with smaller values,
// right from $tmp are with bigger ones
while( $array[$i]->age < $tmp->age )
while( $tmp->age < $array[$j]->age )
// swap elements from the two sides
if( $i <= $j)
$w = $array[$i];
$array[$i] = $array[$j];
$array[$j] = $w;
}while( $i <= $j );
if( $i < $r )
$stack[$cur]['l'] = $i;
$stack[$cur]['r'] = $r;
$r = $j;
}while( $l < $r );
}while( $cur != 0 );
// usort() comparison function for Person objects
function personSort( $a, $b ) {
return $a->age == $b->age ? 0 : ( $a->age > $b->age ) ? 1 : -1;
// simple person object
class Person {
var $age;
function __construct($age) {
$this->age = $age;
//---------test internal usort() on 15000 Person objects------
for ($x=0; $x<15000; $x++)
$people[]=new Person(rand(1,100));
usort( $people, 'personSort' );
echo "usort took $total\n";
//---------test custom quicksort on 15000 Person objects------
for ($x=0; $x<15000; $x++)
$people[]=new Person(rand(1,100));
quickSort( $people );
echo "quickSort took $total\n";
An interesting suggestion was to add a __toString
method to the class and use sort(), so I tried that out too. Trouble is, you must pass SORT_STRING as the second parameter to sort get it to actually call the magic method, which has the side effect of doing a string rather than numeric sort. To counter this, you need to pad the numbers with zeroes to make it sort properly. Net result was that this was slower than both usort and the custom quickSort
sort 10000 items took 1.76266698837
usort 10000 items took 1.08757710457
quickSort 10000 items took 0.320873022079
Here's the code for the sort() using __toString():
class Person {
var $age;
function __construct($age) {
$this->age = $age;
$this->sortable=sprintf("%03d", $age);
public function __toString()
return $this->sortable;
for ($x=0; $x<$size; $x++)
$people[]=new Person(rand(1,100));
sort( $people, SORT_STRING);
echo "sort($size) took $total\n"