



How to set a global environment variable in a bash script?

If I do stuff like



    export FOO=bar

...the vars seem to stay in the local context, whereas I'd like to keep using them after the script has finished executing.

export FOO
This doesn't work, it doesn't set the environment variable for the parent process.
Only the parent process can set an environment variable for the parent process.
glenn jackman
+6  A: 

Run your script with .


This will run the script in the current shell environment.

export governs which variables will be available to new processes, so if you say

export BAR=2

then $BAR will be available in the environment of, but $FOO will not.

Be careful with that first one. Without a slash, it will look in your path: use something like '. ./' if you want to ensure it runs a specific one.
+7  A: 

When you run a shell script, it's done in a sub-shell so it cannot affect the parent shell's environment. You want to source the script by doing:

. ./

This executes it in the context of the current shell, not as a sub shell.

From the bash man page:

. filename [arguments]
source filename [arguments]

Read and execute commands from filename in the current shell environment and return the exit status of the last command executed from filename.

If filename does not contain a slash, file names in PATH are used to find the directory containing filename.

The file searched for in PATH need not be executable. When bash is not in POSIX mode, the current directory is searched if no file is found in PATH.

If the sourcepath option to the shopt builtin command is turned off, the PATH is not searched.

If any arguments are supplied, they become the positional parameters when filename is executed.

Otherwise the positional parameters are unchanged. The return status is the status of the last command exited within the script (0 if no commands are executed), and false if filename is not found or cannot be read.

Interesting - I've not seen that syntax before. Is this equivalent to source ./
It's the same, just faster to type (and more compatible on older systems - ksh has no source command but it does have '.').
+1  A: 
export FOO=bar


export FOO

man export:

The shell shall give the export attribute to the variables corresponding to the specified names, which shall cause them to be in the environment of subsequently executed commands. If the name of a variable is followed by = word, then the value of that variable shall be set to word.

Andrejs Cainikovs