




I noticed whilst playing around today that both the objects below when sent "init" print the same message "_init: TireSnow" to the console. Can anyone shed any light on why this is happening?

@interface TireBasic : NSObject {

@interface TireSnow : TireBasic {
@implementation TireBasic
- (id) init {
    self = [super init];
    if(self) {
     NSLog(@"TB_init: %@", NSStringFromClass([self class]));
    return self;
- (NSString *) description {
return @"This is a BASIC TIRE.";

@implementation TireSnow
- (id) init {
    self = [super init];
    if(self) {
     NSLog(@"TS_init: %@", NSStringFromClass([self class]));
    return self;
- (NSString *) description {
return @"This is a SNOW TIRE.";


EDIT2 - Added all of main()

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import "CarParts.h"

int main (int argc, const char * argv[]) {
    NSAutoreleasePool * pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];

    int tireCount;
    CarClass *newCar_001;
    EngineClass *newEngine_001;
    TireBasic *newTire_BASIC;
    TireSnow  *newTire_SNOW;

    // Setup
    NSLog(@"COMPOSITION Start");
    newCar_001 = [[CarClass alloc] init];

    // Engine
    newEngine_001 = [[EngineClass alloc] init];
    [newCar_001 setEngine: newEngine_001];

    // TIRES (BASIC)
    for(tireCount=0; tireCount<2; tireCount++) {
        newTire_BASIC = [[TireBasic alloc] init];
        [newCar_001 setTire:newTire_BASIC];
        [newTire_BASIC release];
    // TIRES (SNOW)
    for(tireCount=0; tireCount<2; tireCount++) {
        newTire_SNOW = [[TireSnow alloc] init];
        [newCar_001 setTire:newTire_SNOW];
        [newTire_SNOW release];
    // Display
    [newCar_001 printCar];

    // Clean up
    [newCar_001 release];
    [newEngine_001 release];
    [pool drain];
    return 0;


> _init: CarClass
> _init: EngineClass
> TB_init: TireBasic
> TB_init: TireBasic
> TB_init: TireSnow *****
> TS_init: TireSnow
> TB_init: TireSnow *****
> TS_init: TireSnow
> This is a BASIC TIRE.
> This is a BASIC TIRE.
> This is a SNOW TIRE.
> This is a SNOW TIRE.
> _deal: CarClass
> TB_deal: TireBasic
> TB_deal: TireBasic
> TS_deal: TireSnow
> TB_deal: TireSnow ******
> TS_deal: TireSnow
> TB_deal: TireSnow ******
> _deal: EngineClass

The line with stars are coming from the TireSnow [super init] and [super dealloc], it seems to be [self class] that is returning "TireSnow" each time, can anyone explain why?

many thanks



Could we see your [[_ alloc] init] statement? I can't see how

[[TireSnow alloc] init] and [[TireBasic alloc] init] would return the same thing. Well, maybe if:

TireSnow  *tire;

tire = (TireSnow *) [TireBasic alloc];
tire = [tire init];
+1  A: 

TireSnow would log its class twice, once in TireSnow init and once from the call to super, in TireBasic init.

Just to check: are you perhaps confusing the two logs from TireSnow with being from TireBasic and TireSnow?

Possibly yes ...
+3  A: 
> TS_deal: TireSnow
> TB_deal: TireSnow

You're asking why TireSnow is printed twice?

First [TireBasic init] runs, then [TireSnow init]. In both cases they print the class name, and in both cases the class name is TireSnow.

In other words, [self class] will always return the same object, regardless of which method it's executing in.

In other words, if the object is a TireSnow, then `self class` *should* return TireSnow each time.
I understand now, I was confusing myself as I had NSLog statements in both the [TireBasic init]; and [TireSnow init]; Where I was going wrong is that even though [TireBasic init] was executing, that method now belongs to (i.e. was inherited by) TireSnow, therefore any calls to [self class] always return TireSnow.