Crystal Reports seems to have an 80 section per group limit Environment: Microsoft Windows XP Professional Version 2002 Service Pack 3 Crystal Reports XI (Release 1) Calling the Crystal Reports Engine crpe32.dll version Via Crystal VCL 11 libraries Via Borland C++Builder 6 Enterprise Suite Version 6.0 (Build 10.166) I found the report containing 86 sections (in one group) ran just fine using the Crystal Reports XI exe found at C:\Program Files\Business Objects\Crystal Reports 11\crw32.exe However, when I called the same report from an executable compiled using Borland C++Builder -> VCL calls -> crpe32.dll IT DID NOT PRINT. I spent many frustrating hours debugging the exe. I used the divide and conquer debugging approach and devised a state machine that would do the following while logging every state along the way: 1. Load the Engine via LoadEngine; 2. Open the Engine via OpenEngine; 3. Open the PrintJob via OpenJob; 4. Close the PrintJob via CloseJob; 5. Close the Engine via CloseEngine; 6. Unload the Engine via UnloadEngine; I found that the report errored out at OpenJob with Crpe1->Status() status "crsJobFailed" Crpe1->LastErrorNumber was "505: No print destination specified" Here's the play by play (I output this to a file): LoadEngine() started LoadEngine() completed. The handle to CRPE32.DLL is: 728956928 EngineOpen() started EngineOpen() completed. Engine is already opened. JobIsOpen() started. JobIsOpen() completed. The PrintJob is open. Execute() started Status() crsJobFailed Execute() failed. Error state. LastErrorNumber 505: No print destination specified. C:\REPORTS\ProblemReport.rpt Please first call PEOutputToWindow or PEOutputToPrinter! Execute Finished state. Back to the report: Deleting some /*comment*/ sections from the report brought the number of sections down to 78 and voila ... the report printed out just fine from the executable compiled on Borland C++Builder -> VCL calls -> crpe32.dll My conclusion: Avoid creating over 80 sections in a group. As a workaround, you can add another group having the same GROUP BY column (essentially, repeat the same group) and create all the extra sections needed in the new group (the repeated group). It's the equivalent of writing the following SQL SELECT column1 column1 FROM table GROUP BY column1, column1; Has anyone else had this problem? If yes, what solution have you devised?