





I was wondering if there is any tutorial out there on Key Value Coding and Key Value observing, which use simple classes to explain these concepts instead of using cocoa. Apple programming guides sucks on this matter :@

Correction: When i am referring to Cocoa here, i mean use of Interface Stuff, sorry for using the wrong word, it's just because i am new to this and may be not have understand of what's difference between Cocoa and Simple Objective C code. If someone can help me to what i should write there, that would be great.

+5  A: 

Theocacao usually has good content like that. Here is their post on KVC. It's a relatively straightforward concept overall once you play with it a little. The Apple KVC Fundamentals page really isn't too bad either.

Edit: In response to itsaboutcode below: Well, I don't know of any real good info on KVO besides Apple's intro docs here. If you really want to do Cocoa programming, including KVC/KVO, I have to recommend you get the Hillegass book. It's become the standard text, and is really great for beginners and experience programmers alike. I don't know any good Cocoa programmers personally that don't have it.

Thank Phoebus, i think Theocacao is great, now just have to give it a try to get understanding of it but is there any such tutorial on the subject of KVO? And reason why i don't like Apple documentations because they are very very general and its very hard for beginner to really understand them, they only make sense to you after you have basics understanding of the subject, and after that you should read them, they give you big picture which is great but again only make sense (at-least to me) when i get basic understand (well that's what i believe lox)
There are few more link i have found on this subject.http://archive.bagelturf.com/cocoa/kvc1/index.phphttp://www.slideshare.net/sergio.acosta/intro-to-cocoa-kvckvo-and-bindings-presentationhttp://www.macresearch.org/cocoa_for_scientists_part_xii_observe_and_learnHope that these will help me and others too. But still not sure if there is any good KVO tutorial out there.
see above post edit
@PhoebusI think you are right, i should go through that book.
+1  A: 

There is a treasure trove of example code for bindings and KVC/KVO on mmalcolm crawford's page.

Rob Keniger