Im setting the the datasource with the following code:
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
var vacancies = from v in db.Vacancies
join c in db.Customers on v.CustomerID equals c.CustomerID
join cp in db.CustomerPortals on c.CustomerID equals cp.CustomerID
where cp.PortalID == Master.Portal.ID
select new
Title = v.Title,
Internship = (v.ContractID == 6),
Hours = v.Hours,
City = v.Customer.City.Name,
Degree = v.Degree.Title,
Contract = v.Contract.Title,
CustomerID = v.CustomerID
rVacancies.ItemDataBound += new RepeaterItemEventHandler(rVacancies_ItemDataBound);
rVacancies.DataSource = vacancies;
Now i want to know how i can access 1 of the columns (like CustomerID) from the ItemDataBound event.
void rVacancies_ItemDataBound(object sender, RepeaterItemEventArgs e)
// This doesnt seem to work, row would be null even though e.Item.DataItem has a value.
DataRow row = (DataRow)e.Item.DataItem;
I have figured out that e.Item.DataItem contains all the fields from my query and the type of e.Item.DataItem is