




can you tell me whats going on here actually,can u explain that structure.

here how they are generating these numbers <ID>6b25ad0c-8223-49e7-ad94-a132127692c3</ID>

<Blank>632918408948995524</Blank> What is <LeafDataSchema xmlns="http://tempuri.org/LeafDataSchema.xsd"&gt;

then Why we need UUID,,how it is generating??

+2  A: 

6b25ad0c-8223-49e7-ad94-a132127692c3 is a example of a UUID (Universally Unique Identifier) - many language frameworks offer library functions to generate them.

Sometimes also called GUID (Globally Unique Identifier)

Andrew Hare
In string representation form (actually a 128bit number)
Daren Thomas
then Why we need UUID,,how it is generating
@Peter: check that page: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GUID
Francis B.
okey but how they are generating in this xml file,,here <SpoDataSchema xmlns="http://tempuri.org/SpoDataSchema.xsd"> i found SpoDataSchema.xsd in my project,,all tables in that xml file is discribed in node of the xml file
@peter - There are literally dozens of ways this file could have been generated. Without more information from you we cannot help any more than we have.
Andrew Hare
+2  A: 

The xmlns attribute defines the default namespace that unadorned elements belong to.

See:- http://www.w3schools.com/XML/xml%5Fnamespaces.asp
