



I'm running a C# Console Application that is multi-threaded. The core process retrieves some data to work on, splits it up into a configurable number of smaller datasets, and then spawns the same number of threads to process each subset of data.

To process an individual record, a thread has to make a call to a web service using the WebRequest class and POST method. The query is sent with GetRequestStream(), and the response is retrieved with GetResponse().

In pseudo-code, the routine looks something like this:

prepare WebRequest data;
* get time (start-of-Processing);
Stream str = request.GetRequestStream();
Write data to stream;
WebResponse resp = request.GetResponse();
* get time (response-received);
process response;
finally close response stream;

Timing data suggests that when we split our data into more than 4 threads, our throughput for the process as a whole does not improve, and in some cases even drops. Timing data from the web-service maintains their performance remains constant.

  • At 4 threads, our apparent overhead to send the data and retrieve the response stream averages around a second.
  • When we run more than 4 threads, the average rises with maximum values encountered of tens of seconds!

Today I was able to run two separate processes, each running 4 threads (but essentially ensuring that each thread was still running on unique data). This time, we nearly doubled our overall throughput and each process had stable timing of about a second.

This leads me to believe we are hitting some kind of limitation on resources in relation to the WebRequest class; but it is a per-process limitation, not a machine limitation. I am aware that we could make our calls asynchronously with BeginGetRequestStream and BeginGetResponse, but I'm sceptical that it will have a positive impact if we are in fact hitting some kind of resource limit?!

What should I look at to enable us to raise the number of splits within the single process without the drop in performance?

+5  A: 

You need to raise the number of simultaneous web requests you can make to a single host - otherwise your threads will basically be waiting for each other to finish, despite there being plenty of CPU available. The easiest way to do this is to use the <connectionManagement> element of app.config:

      <add address = "*" maxconnection = "100" />
Jon Skeet
Thanks Jon - this sounds hopeful... I'll give more feedback once I've had a chance to test this which will be tomorrow :)
Thank You Thank You Thank You John! Not only did this config change enable me to up the number of threads I was running, it also reduced that 'one second' overhead by quite a bit - so I must already have been getting quite a bit of contention.

How many processors/cores does the computer that you're running this on have?

When you schedule more threads than there are cores in your system, the scheduler has to time-slice each thread and schedule them to run on the available cores. So, unless there is dead-time in your process the performance won't increase and may actually drop - which is what you're describing.

Miky Dinescu
If the web requests are taking about a second each, that sounds like the application is very far from CPU bound - and the fact that it runs twice as fast when there are two processes confirms that.
Jon Skeet
I guess that make sense.. My reasoning was that since he said 4 threads work fine but anything more degrades performance, and since quad-cores are very popular, it seemed like a possible cause for the trouble. But the more I think about it it doesn't make sense..
Miky Dinescu
We're just about to move to a quad core, but it was on a dual core that we really found the 4-request 'limit'. CPU runs at about 1-2% on this process, as does Network (according to Task Manager) so neither of those appear to be problems...