I have a problem where I am able to read from any connection only once and then never again.
When I select I do basically the following in a while(true) loop:
if(selector.select( 500 ) == 0)
for(SelectionKey sk : selector.keys()) {
// if (sk != anyOtherSk()) { obj = createAnObject(sk); }
// obj.readChannel();
Then, in the object's code I do the following:
public void readChannel() {
BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(Channels.newReader((ReadableByteChannel) sk.channel(), "US-ASCII"));
Writer out = Channels.newWriter((WritableByteChannel) key.channel(), "US-ASCII");
sk.channel().register(sk.selector(), SelectionKey.OP_READ);
At this point the object's code finishes executing (as I've confirmed), but any further messages from the client aren't ever acted upon or even, it appears, recieved.
if(selector.select( 500 ) == 0)
continually fails to detect messages, even though I know they have been sent.