Sure, why not?
You could use Excel Object Model & use the series of classes to access the contents of the cell.
VB(script) example
dim xlApp
set xlApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
dim wkBook
set wkBook = xlApp.WorkBooks.Add
dim wkSheet
set wkSheet = wkBook.Sheets(1)
dim cell
set cell = wkSheet.Cells("A1") 'get the reference to cell A1
msgbox cell.Value
The best way to learn about Excel object model is to
1. Open Excel
2. Press ALT + F11 (VBA editor)
3. Press F2 (for object browser)
4. Choose Excel from the dropdown where it shows
The root class is Application & then things flow from there.
e.g. WorkBook -> WorkSheets -> Worksheet -> Cells (Range) etc.
Hope that helps.