Seems to me that a good example of where a private event is useful is in component/control building, often you may have a component that is a composite of 1 or more other components, private events that contained components can subscribe to is a handy and easy implementation of an observer pattern.
Let me give an example...
Say you are writing a Grid type control, and inside of this control you would most likely have a bunch of contained classes that are created dynamically Rows, Cols, headers etc for example, say you want to notify these contained classes that something they care about has happend, say a Skinning change or something like that, something that you don't necesarrily want to expose as an event to the grid users, this is where private events are handy, simply have one or 2 handlers and as you create each instance of your row or col or whatever attach the handler, as otherwise you just have to write your own observer mechanism, not hard, but why when you dont have to and you can just use multicast events.