




Anyone has experience using UML to create a GUI? What are the pros and cons?

+1  A: 

UML is a lot of stuff. What exactly where you considering?

A sketch of the GUI on a whiteboard is a good way to describe how it will look. If you make it too formal, people will start to nitpick on things, because it looks final. Instead of telling you that a searchbox should be added, they'll tell you that the icon should be blue, not green. With a simple sketch people realize that it's a WIP, and they'll sketch up their own view very quickly.

+4  A: 

The Unified Modeling Language (UML) has nothing to do with user interface design.

UML is a modeling language that can be used to design a software system and the interactions between systems. However, some specific models might be useful in determining how a user (either a person or another system) interacts with your system - State diagrams can be used to show what actions can be performed under certain conditions, Activity diagrams can be used to show workflows, and Communication diagrams can show how your user interface classes interact with your controllers and how your controllers interact with your models.

If you want to model a GUI, I would look at prototyping.

Thomas Owens
+2  A: 
Ryan Michela
Mockup tools are nothing like UML...
Thomas Owens
Understood. But UML isn't for desiging GUIs, either.
Ryan Michela
Then why do you have this sentence in your answer: "It's kind of like UML for GUIs." No, it's not. At all.
Thomas Owens
Good point. I fixed it to eliminate any confusion.
Ryan Michela