



Hi, I was trying to interface a 64 mb microsd card with microchip mcu. I send cmd0-addr3-addr2-addr1-addr0-crc but i didn't get any response....what should I do next

+1  A: 

From the way you've phrased the question, it sounds like you don't have a very good understanding of how to communicate with external peripherals in general, on an embedded device. You should reference Microchip AN1169 which goes into detail on implementing SD card communication with an SD card. If that's not enough help, Microchip's application engineers are usually very helpful - don't rule out calling one.

On the other hand, if the application note is still over your head, you should strongly consider starting off with a less ambitious project - something like driving a motor or other simple IO that is not address-bound. The addressing issues can become very difficult when you already aren't familiar with embedded programming.

Mark Rushakoff