



My ASPX code is:

  <igsch:WebDateChooser ID="ContractPeriod2Start" runat="server" 
     NullDateLabel="" Editable="True" EnableAppStyling="True">
  <igsch:WebDateChooser ID="ContractPeriod2End" runat="server" 
     NullDateLabel="" Editable="True" EnableAppStyling="True">
  <span><a href="#">Remove</a></span>

I want it to render that top-level span all in the same line/row. However infragistics renders that out into a bunch of tables and divs, some greyed out in firebug


    <input ... />
    <input ... />
    <table ... >...</table>

    <input ... />
    <input ... />
    <table ... ></table>
    <div ... ></div>

    <span><a href="#">Remove</a></span>

which renders out into 3 lines (one for each of two IG controls, one for my Remove span)

How do I make all this generated HTML into the same line?

+1  A: 

Assuming the third party control has no way to control the output, the quickest idea I can come up with is to wrap everything in a table. You still would not be controlling the output of each individual control, but you would force the three elements into one line.

So, not pretty, but:

        <td><!-- First igsch control here --></td>
        <td><!-- Second igsch control here --></td>
        <td><span><a href="#">Remove</a></span></td>

There is probably some way to write an adapter to generate different html, such as the CSS Friendly Control Adapters, but that would take a much greater effort.

Jason Berkan
+1 because it will work, but be wary that using tables will make people call you "ghetto".