




I am starting an FTP session using:

"C:\Program Files\FTP Server\msftpsrvr.exe" -start

Now I want it to wait until it has find a file with a specified string.

Details: I am using Mini core ftp on my server and Winscp on my client. The client's time schedule keeps changing. I follow the following steps for automation:

On server

  1. msftpsrvr.exe -start

On client:

  1. cd "C:\Program Files\WinSCP"

  2. winscp.exe /console /script=script to get backup and put file with status

No the server should read the status after copy is finished and then stop the ftp server.

How can I tell the server to pause untill that file is updated with "done" string?


Found the solution myself

Why don't you post the solution so that people can see it?
Ed Altorfer
the solution is very asynchronous. Here is what I have done. started mftp server, after the backup finishes- it writes a flag to a file. the client side gets the file and reads the flag (pooling every 30 min) and start copy. It is not a good solution. but works for me.