I have zillions of my_printf() function calls in a huge program. I now want to convert them all so that the function takes a new integer argument (call it x) without having to edit the zillions of calls. If my_printf only ever took exactly one string argument then I could do something like this:
#define my_printf(str) _my_printf(x,str)
void _my_printf(int x,char *str) // changed from my_printf(char *str)
// stuff
But as my_printf takes a variable number of arguments I'm not sure how to do it. Can it be done?
EDIT: for those wondering why I should want to do such a thing, here's a related example:
#define function(x) _function(__FILE__,__LINE__,x)
#else // speed critical optimised mode
#define function(x) _function(x)
void _function(char *file,int line,int x)
void _function(int x)
// stuff
if (something_went_wrong)
printf("Cock up in function when called from %s line %d\n",file,line);