
How about handling sorting on the stuff displaying the results -- grids, reports, etc. rather than on SQL?


To clarify things since this answer got down-voted earlier, I'll elaborate a bit...

You stated you knew about client-side sorting but wanted to steer clear of it. That's your call, of course.

What I want to point out, though, is that by doing it on the client-side, you're able to pull data ONCE and then work with it however you want -- versus doing multiple trips back and forth to the server each time the sort gets changed.

Your SQL Server isn't getting taxed right now and that's awesome. It shouldn't be. But just because it isn't overloaded yet doesn't mean that it'll stay like that forever.

If you're using any of the newer ASP.NET stuff for displaying on the web, a lot of that stuff is already baked right in.

Is it worth adding so much code to each stored procedure just to handle sorting? Again, your call.

I'm not the one who will ultimately be in charge of supporting it. But give some thought to what will be involved as columns are added/removed within the various datasets used by the stored procedures (requiring modifications to the CASE statements) or when suddenly instead of sorting by two columns, the user decides they need three -- requiring you to now update every one of your stored procedures that uses this method.

For me, it's worth it to get a working client-side solution and apply it to the handful of user-facing displays of data and be done with it. If a new column is added, it's already handled. If the user wants to sort by multiple columns, they can sort by two or twenty of them.

Kevin Fairchild
That would be the right way, but is not considered "a better way"
Because then I'm still writing my own sorting in either C# or JavaScript and it seems like it should be so much easier and quicker in SQL. Thus my question. Was I just missing something obvious or are we stuck writing our own custom sorting (in C# or JavaScript) every damn app we work on?
Wait, what about result sets with tens of thousands of rows? You can't return all that data to the client. You have to do paging and sorting on the database.
Eric Z Beard
Yadyn, understood. But once you have a generic sorter for your grids, you just use that for all of your stuff.
Kevin Fairchild
Eric, True... In cases like that, you do need extra handling and maybe it would make sense within SQL. It's far from a right vs. wrong issue. In some cases, it'll make sense for SQL and some cases, on the client.
Kevin Fairchild
Another reason why I can't believe something doesn't already exist on databases to help this. You might not have a zillion rows yet that makes client or even web server sorting a problem, but you might. It then makes sense, were it available, to always have the database handle it.
Yeah, I'm surprised too. When I saw your question I was really hoping somebody would have an answer for doing this within a proc without exec.
Eric Z Beard

I feel your pain. Unfortunately, no, I don't have a better way.


I have the same issue. Never found a way around it.

Well, at least I'm not the only one, though I kind of figured that. :)
+2  A: 

At some point, doesn't it become worth it to move away from stored procedures and just use parameterized queries to avoid this sort of hackery?

Hank Gay
In certain cases maybe they're sledgehammers on a nail, but often we want to set permissions (EXECUTE in particular) directly on the stored procedures and disallow any SQL queries directly against the tables, even SELECTs. I don't much like the hackery either, but security is not my call to make.
This is why so many people are moving to Object Relational Mapping. Needless round trips for sorting, huge CASE blocks for the same, senseless updates to tons of columns when really only one needed to be updated, etc. The one winning argument for stored procedures that still remains is the security.
Pittsburgh DBA
+3  A: 

Dynamic SQL is still an option. You just have to decide whether that option is more palatable than what you currently have.

Here is an article that shows that: http://www.4guysfromrolla.com/webtech/010704-1.shtml.

+10  A: 

Yeah, it's a pain, and the way you're doing it looks similar to what I do:

order by
case when @SortExpr = 'CustomerName' and @SortDir = 'ASC' 
    then CustomerName end asc, 
case when @SortExpr = 'CustomerName' and @SortDir = 'DESC' 
    then CustomerName end desc,

This, to me, is still much better than building dynamic SQL from code, which turns into a scalability and maintenance nightmare for DBAs.

What I do from code is refactor the paging and sorting so I at least don't have a lot of repetition there with populating values for @SortExpr and @SortDir.

As far as the SQL is concerned, keep the design and formatting the same between different stored procedures, so it's at least neat and recognizable when you go in to make changes.

Eric Z Beard
Exactly. My goal was to avoid doing an EXEC command on a big 5000 varchar string. Everything we do must be done via stored procedures if only for the added security since we can set permissions on them at the schema level. The scalability and performance gains are just a plus in our case.
Add maintainability to {security, scalability, performance}. Once you have 3 or 4 apps out there with dynamic SQL running against your DB, you are screwed, you can't change anything, especially as the apps age and developers move on. Exec and dynamic sql are evil.
Eric Z Beard
That's just it --- we already do, from way before I got here, for all of the still running Classic ASP web apps and many, many Access VB apps still circulating. I twitch and have to hold back urges to fix glaring mistakes any time I have to perform maintenance on any of them.
+1  A: 

There may be a third option, since your server has lots of spare cycles - use a helper procedure to do the sorting via a temporary table. Something like

create procedure uspCallAndSort
    @sql varchar(2048),        --exec dbo.uspSomeProcedure arg1,'arg2',etc.
    @sortClause varchar(512)    --comma-delimited field list
insert into #tmp EXEC(@sql)
declare @msql varchar(3000)
set @msql = 'select * from #tmp order by ' + @sortClause
drop table #tmp

Caveat: I haven't tested this, but it "should" work in SQL Server 2005 (which will create a temporary table from a result set without specifying the columns in advance.)

Steven A. Lowe
+2  A: 

I agree, use client side. But it appears that is not the answer you want to hear.

So, it is perfect the way it is. I don't know why you would want to change it, or even ask "Is there a better way." Really, it should be called "The Way". Besides, it seems to work and suit the needs of the project just fine and will probably be extensible enough for years to come. Since your databases aren't taxed and sorting is really really easy it should stay that way for years to come.

I wouldn't sweat it.

I have no problem with client-side, as I go that route with Windows apps. But what about web apps? I don't much find any JavaScript solution really flexible enough. And yes, it does work as I said the way we have it, but it's a nightmare of SQL. Of course I'd like to know if there are better ways.
It is built into the newer (2.0 and up) .NET controls. Or you can create your own and apply it to a dataview. http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/hwf94875(VS.80).aspx
My problem then is one of scalability and performance. Doing client-side or web-server-side sorting requires loading all of the data instead of just the 10 or 15 you're going to display on a page at a time. This is extremely costly, in the long run, whereas database sorting doesn't have that.
+3  A: 

My applications do this a lot but they are all dynamically building the SQL. However, when I deal with stored procedures I do this:

  1. Make the stored procedure a function that returns a table of your values - no sort.
  2. Then in your application code do a select * from dbo.fn_myData() where ... order by ... so you can dynamically specify the sort order there.

Then at least the dynamic part is in your application, but the database is still doing the heavy lifting.

Ron Savage
That's probably the best compromise I've seen yet between using dynamic SQL and stored procedures together. I like it. I might experiment sometime with a similar approach, but such a change would be prohibitive in any of our existing on-going projects.
+2  A: 

There's a couple of different ways you can hack this in.


  1. Only one SELECT statement in the sp
  2. Leave out any sorting (or have a default)

Then insert into a temp table:

create table #temp ( your columns )

insert #temp
exec foobar

select * from #temp order by whatever

Method #2: set up a linked server back to itself, then select from this using openquery: http://www.sommarskog.se/share_data.html#OPENQUERY

Matt Rogish

This solution might only work in .NET, I don't know.

I fetch the data into the C# with the initial sort order in the SQL order by clause, put that data in a DataView, cache it in a Session variable, and use it to build a page.

When the user clicks on a column heading to sort (or page, or filter), I don't go back to the database. Instead, I go back to my cached DataView and set its "Sort" property to an expression I build dynamically, just like I would dynamic SQL. ( I do the filtering the same way, using the "RowFilter" property).

You can see/feel it working in a demo of my app, BugTracker.NET, at http://ifdefined.com/btnet/bugs.aspx

Corey Trager
SWEET! Bug tracker.NET rocks!

You should avoid the SQL Server sorting, unless if necessary. Why not sort on app server or client side? Also .NET Generics does exceptional sortin

Saif Khan
Because of scalability. It's fine for a few thousand rows, but I don't want to be pulling down ten thousand and sorting that. Or more. Also, what about paging? I often only want to pull in what I need to display. Sorting rows 21-30 of 24056 after the fact would be incorrect.
+3  A: 

This approach keeps the sortable columns from being duplicated twice in the order by, and is a little more readable IMO:

    CASE @SortCol1
      WHEN 'Foo' THEN t.Foo
      WHEN 'Bar' THEN t.Bar
      ELSE null
    END as SortCol1,
    CASE @SortCol2
      WHEN 'Foo' THEN t.Foo
      WHEN 'Bar' THEN t.Bar
      ELSE null
    END as SortCol2,
    MyTable t) as s
  CASE WHEN @dir1 = 'ASC'  THEN SortCol1 END ASC,
  CASE WHEN @dir1 = 'DESC' THEN SortCol1 END DESC,
  CASE WHEN @dir2 = 'ASC'  THEN SortCol2 END ASC,
Jason DeFontes

I know this is an old thread, but I just wanted to say 'thanks' for discussing this.

I've been plagued with this issue on a particular project from the time I was brought on. All the select stored procedures (which were designed by someone fired immediately before I started working on the project) had custom paging built-in. This was not so much of a problem except the client requested that we also add sorting to most of the GridViews. Sounded simple enough as I knew the gridview had sorting built-in. Once I got my hands into though, I realized that using custom paging in your stored procedures is incompatible with the GridView's built-in sorting. The best you can do is sort the records displayed on the page (mostly useless, and certainly unexpected behavior for the user).

In a time-crunch and hopelessly naive as I was, I just added a @SortBy varchar parameter to the necessary SPs and implemented the EXEC solution to this problem, leaving my DAL to compose the ORDER BY clause in the correct format. I knew at the time that there must be a better way, and I thought about using CASE statements in the ORDER BY clause, but figured it would take too long (they needed to be able to sort on at least 4 columns at a time) and be so much more complex. But I went against the better coding angel on my shoulder and went ahead with the EXEC statement, and now I'm paying for it trying to edit and debug the select statements in the EXEC.

I just wish there was a better way. Could SQL server not have a dbo data type that can be used in this manner?

Anything to let you put a variable in the ORDER BY clause would be an enormously awesome feature. Whether it is a custom variable-only (so no table columns) data type that is uniquely allowed in the ORDER BY clause or what... don't care, it would help so much. It's like nobody ever anticipated dynamic sorting to ever be an issue when they designed this stuff. All solutions are inelegant it seems... sigh.
+1  A: 

When you are paging sorted results, dynamic SQL is a good option. If you're paranoid about SQL injection you can use the column numbers instead of the column name. I've done this before using negative values for descending. Something like this...

declare @o int;
set @o = -1;

declare @sql nvarchar(2000);
set @sql = N'select * from table order by ' + 
    cast(abs(@o) as varchar) + case when @o < 0 then ' desc' else ' asc' end + ';'

exec sp_executesql @sql

Then you just need to make sure the number is inside 1 to # of columns. You could even expand this to a list of column numbers and parse that into a table of ints using a function like this. Then you would build the order by clause like so...

declare @cols varchar(100);
set @cols = '1 -2 3 6';

declare @order_by varchar(200)

select @order_by = isnull(@order_by + ', ', '') + 
        cast(abs(number) as varchar) + 
        case when number < 0 then ' desc' else '' end
from dbo.iter_intlist_to_tbl(@cols) order by listpos

print @order_by

One drawback is you have to remember the order of each column on the client side. Especially, when you don't display all the columns or you display them in a different order. When the client wants to sort, you map the column names to the column order and generate the list of ints.

We use sp_executesql for building dynamic reporting queries. Very effective. The SQL can't be built from the application, but the parameters are just inserted where needed and exec'd as normal.
Josh Smeaton

A stored procedure technique (hack?) I've used to avoid dynamic SQL for certain jobs is to have a unique sort column. I.e.,

   CASE @sortCol WHEN 'name_last' THEN [name_last] ELSE 0 END as mySort

This one is easy to beat into submission -- you can concat fields in your mySort column, reverse the order with math or date functions, etc.

Preferably though, I use my asp.net gridviews or other objects with build-in sorting to do the sorting for me AFTER retrieving the data fro Sql-Server. Or even if it's not built-in -- e.g., datatables, etc. in asp.net.
