I'm programming in Python with a wrapper of the kernel32 dll, so I can use any functions of this dll, like GetLogicalDrives(), for instance. I'm trying to obtain the information of the physical drives, even if they are not mounted. I've seen a question similar to this, but I need the information of the not mounted drives. All methods I've seen need a directory or a file in the device, but if it's not mounted, I can't have one, so the question is:
Is there a method which can provide me a list of the physical drives in the system, even if they are not mounted?
I have to say that using the Windows Registry, I've obtained the number of physical drives in "*HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Hardware\Devicemap\Scsi\Scsi Port x*", because inside of this key, you can see the number of drives, including cd-rom devices or floppy devices. But I need size of the not mounted devices also, so...