



Hi All,

I want to restore mysql database through stored procedure? Is it possible?

Or can I copy dbfile and rename that folder?

Please let me know if anyone needs more information to answer this question.

Thanks in advance.

Regards, Manasi

+1  A: 

It depends what you mean by "restore:"

The only way you could restore a database using a stored procedure is if the backup is accessible via SQL, so the data would have to be contained in some tables accessible from the stored procedure. In that case, it's a simple matter of writing the SQL to copy the data from the tables of one database to the tables of another using a handful of CREATE TABLE and INSERT INTO...SELECT statements.

It isn't possible to use LOAD DATA INFILE in a stored procedure, so you can't pull in a raw data dump, and there's no way (in MySQL, at least) to execute a script residing on disk, so a dump from mysqldump wouldn't work.

You certainly can't move files and folders around from a stored procedure; you should never do that while MySQL is running.

James McNellis
Thanks for your response James.