



I just installed copSSH for Windows. When I boot it up I get a directory C:\copSSH\home\Nick\.ssh which has my pub and private key it.

When I access this directory via a Cygwin bash window using

ssh user@host

I get happily logged in. However, when I open a git bash window with

git clone ssh://user@host

it tries to access the keys in C:\Users\Nick\.ssh, which gives me a "permission denied" error. How can I fix git so everything is using C:\copSSH\home\Nick\.ssh as the directory?

+1  A: 

The environment variables set by copSSH are not the same than the one found in a git bash Windows. (see also OpenSSH on Windows)

You may need to redefine the $HOME variable to the one used by copSSH. See this thread for additional example of HOME redefinition.

By default, HOME=/c/Users/Nick.

 export HOME=/c/copSSH/home/Nick

To make it permanent (each time you open a bash shell), you can try adding this line to your .bashrc under c:\Users\Nick (c:\Users\Nick\.bashrc)

hi - thanks for the response. how can I also do this for GIT ? i.e. at the moment git is looking for keys in c:\Users\Nick when I want to look for keys in C:\copSSH\home\Nick\.ssh
try `export HOME=/c/copSSH/home/Nick` in a git bash shell and check if Git does look for keys in that new directory.
hi :) thanks again. yes i tried this but it doesnt seem to stay like it permanently ? is there any way to make it stay permanently otherwise everytime I have to try and enter this into bash ?
i think i love you :) finally, its working and this was the problem the entire time. thanks so much VonC - you are a legend!
You're welcome... I guess ;) For the legend department, see Jon Skeet ( ) (although I am pretty sure he would disagree with that qualificatif as well ;) )