



Hi, let say I have #404040 color code. How to generate a new color code which is either lighter or darker by 20% (or given x%)? I need this for generate a hover color in a dynamic site (which color is changing using theme). Therefore it is not possible to use another class or :hover with predefined class.


+5  A: 
var pad = function(num, totalChars) {
    var pad = '0';
    num = num + '';
    while (num.length < totalChars) {
        num = pad + num;
    return num;

// Ratio is between 0 and 1
var changeColor = function(color, ratio, darker) {
    // Trim trailing/leading whitespace
    color = color.replace(/^\s*|\s*$/, '');

    // Expand three-digit hex
    color = color.replace(

    // Calculate ratio
    var difference = Math.round(ratio * 256) * (darker ? -1 : 1),
        // Determine if input is RGB(A)
        rgb = color.match(new RegExp('^rgba?\\(\\s*' +
            '(\\d|[1-9]\\d|1\\d{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])' +
            '\\s*,\\s*' +
            '(\\d|[1-9]\\d|1\\d{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])' +
            '\\s*,\\s*' +
            '(\\d|[1-9]\\d|1\\d{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])' +
            '(?:\\s*,\\s*' +
            '(0|1|0?\\.\\d+))?' +
        , 'i')),
        alpha = !!rgb && rgb[4] != null ? rgb[4] : null,

        // Convert hex to decimal
        decimal = !!rgb? [rgb[1], rgb[2], rgb[3]] : color.replace(
            function() {
                return parseInt(arguments[1], 16) + ',' +
                    parseInt(arguments[2], 16) + ',' +
                    parseInt(arguments[3], 16);

    // Return RGB(A)
    return !!rgb ?
        'rgb' + (alpha !== null ? 'a' : '') + '(' +
            Math[darker ? 'max' : 'min'](
                parseInt(decimal[0], 10) + difference, darker ? 0 : 255
            ) + ', ' +
            Math[darker ? 'max' : 'min'](
                parseInt(decimal[1], 10) + difference, darker ? 0 : 255
            ) + ', ' +
            Math[darker ? 'max' : 'min'](
                parseInt(decimal[2], 10) + difference, darker ? 0 : 255
            ) +
            (alpha !== null ? ', ' + alpha : '') +
            ')' :
        // Return hex
            pad(Math[darker ? 'max' : 'min'](
                parseInt(decimal[0], 10) + difference, darker ? 0 : 255
            ).toString(16), 2),
            pad(Math[darker ? 'max' : 'min'](
                parseInt(decimal[1], 10) + difference, darker ? 0 : 255
            ).toString(16), 2),
            pad(Math[darker ? 'max' : 'min'](
                parseInt(decimal[2], 10) + difference, darker ? 0 : 255
            ).toString(16), 2)
var lighterColor = function(color, ratio) {
    return changeColor(color, ratio, false);
var darkerColor = function(color, ratio) {
    return changeColor(color, ratio, true);

// Use
var darker = darkerColor('rgba(80, 75, 52, .5)', .2);
var lighter = lighterColor('rgba(80, 75, 52, .5)', .2);

Now handles RGB(A) input, as well as hex (3 digit or 6).


You basically just need to add (for lighter) or subtract (for darker) equal amounts from each of R, G, B components.

Take a look at Domino 2.0 which is a small javascript library that does just that.


You could make a partially-transparent white or black PNG and overlay (underlay?) it on hover:

div.button {
  background-color: #404040;
body>div.button:hover {
  background-image: url('blackpixel.png');

No JS required.

Then add more code to support IE 6. Then add another option for lighter. Then.....
@eyelidlessness: Code added.
LOL, that didn't resolve any of the problems I listed. It has limited utility, but if that's all you need, sure go for it
+1  A: 

This is just a modification of eyelidlessness' answer, since I saw the same function twice

var pad = function(num, totalChars) {
    var pad = '0';
    num = num + '';
    while (num.length < totalChars) {
        num = pad + num;
    return num;

// Ratio is between 0 and 1
var changeColor = function(color, ratio, darker) {
    var difference = Math.round(ratio * 255) * (darker ? -1 : 1),
        decimal    = color.replace(
            function() {
                return parseInt(arguments[1], 16) + ',' +
                    parseInt(arguments[2], 16) + ',' +
                    parseInt(arguments[3], 16);
    return [
        pad(Math.max(parseInt(decimal[0], 10) + difference, 0).toString(16), 2),
        pad(Math.max(parseInt(decimal[1], 10) + difference, 0).toString(16), 2),
        pad(Math.max(parseInt(decimal[2], 10) + difference, 0).toString(16), 2)
var lighterColor = function(color, ratio) {
    return changeColor(color, ratio, false);
var darkerColor = function(color, ratio) {
    return changeColor(color, ratio, true);

// Use
var darker = darkerColor('#404040', .2);
var lighter = lighterColor('#404040', .2);
Justin Johnson
That isn't right. The lighter color should use Math.min.
And then the second argument would be 255. Heh, plus I updated mine to support RGB(A).
Ah, I missed the `Math.min`
Justin Johnson