



I have the following structure in C#:

public struct Line
        public Line(Point startPoint, Point endPoint)
            StartPoint = startPoint;
            EndPoint = endPoint;
        public Point StartPoint;
        public Point EndPoint;

which I use in another class, that is XmlSerializable

public Drawing
 List<Line> lines; 

 //other members...

By serializing the Drawing class, I get an xml that describes a Line like this:


Is there any way of specifying the xml serialization tags so that a Line is generated in this format:

<Line StartPointX="13" StartPointY="33" EndPointX="43" EndPointY="63"/>
+2  A: 

Put [XmlAttribute] above your X and Y properties (not shown in your example). That should cause them to serialize as attributes instead of elements, and will produce the following XML:

    <StartPoint X="13" Y="33" />
    <EndPoint X="43" Y="63" />

If you are committed to your example output exactly as you specified, you will also have to restructure your object so that your X and Y attributes are named properly, like this:

public struct Line
    public int StartPointX
    public int StartPointY
    public int EndPointX
    public int EndPointY

(Getters and Setters omitted for brevity)

Robert Harvey
Would just add that if you're trying to meet a particular schema, you can use xsd.exe to create classes that conform to that schema. See:
Martin Clarke