



Tackling a few puzzle problems on a quiet Saturday night (wooohoo... not) and am struggling with sort(). The results aren't quite what I expect. The program iterates through every combination from 100 - 999 and checks if the product is a palindome. If it is, append to the list. I need the list sorted :D Here's my program:

list = [] #list of numbers

for x in xrange(100,1000): #loops for first value of combination
  for y in xrange(x,1000): #and 2nd value
    mult = x*y
    reversed = str(mult)[::-1] #reverses the number
    if (reversed == str(mult)):

print list[:10]

which nets:

['101101', '10201', '102201', '102201', '105501', '105501', '106601', '108801',
'108801', '110011']

Clearly index 0 is larger then 1. Any idea what's going on? I have a feeling it's got something to do with trailing/leading zeroes, but I had a quick look and I can't see the problem.

Bonus points if you know where the puzzle comes from :P

+11  A: 

You are sorting strings, not numbers. '101101' < '10201' because '1' < '2'. Change list.append(reversed) to list.append(int(reversed)) and it will work (or use a different sorting function).

Lukáš Lalinský
Oh man... just when I thought I was graduating from noob, to rookie ;) Thanks!
Dominic Bou-Samra

You have your numbers stored as strings, so python is sorting them accordingly. So: '101x' comes before '102x' (the same way that 'abcd' will come before 'az').


No, it is sorting properly, just that it is sorting lexographically and you want numeric sorting... so remove the "str()"

Aviral Dasgupta
On a seperate topic, your program could e optimized. Hint : **generate** the numbers..
Aviral Dasgupta
Yeah I know, and I might compile them later, but it's quick enough for the task at hand.
Dominic Bou-Samra

You're sorting strings, not numbers. Strings compare left-to-right.


Your list contains strings so it is sorting them alphabetically - try converting the list to integers and then do the sort.

Justin Ethier

The comparator operator is treating your input as strings instead of integers. In string comparsion 2 as the 3rd letter is lexically greater than 1. reversed = str(mult)[::-1]

+6  A: 

Sort is doing its job. If you intended to store integers in the list, take Lukáš advice. You can also tell sort how to sort, for example by making ints:


the key parameter takes a function that calculates an item to take the list object's place in all comparisons. An integer will compare numerically as you expect.

(By the way, list is a really bad variable name, as you override the builtin list() type!)
+1  A: 

No need to convert to int. mult already is an int and as you have checked it is a palindrome it will look the same as reversed, so just:
