<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<idmef:IDMEF-Message version="1.0" xmlns:idmef="http://iana.org/idmef">
<idmef:Alert messageid="abc123456789">
<idmef:Analyzer analyzerid="bc-corr-01">
<idmef:Node category="dns">
<idmef:CreateTime ntpstamp="0xbc72423b.0x00000000">2000-03-09T15:31:07Z
<idmef:Source ident="a1">
<idmef:Node ident="a1-1">
<idmef:Address ident="a1-2" category="ipv4-addr">
<idmef:Target ident="a2">
<idmef:Node ident="a2-1" category="dns">
<idmef:Address ident="a2-2" category="ipv4-addr">
<idmef:Service ident="a2-3">
<idmef:Classification text="Login Authentication">
<idmef:Reference origin="vendor-specific">
<idmef:Impact severity ="high" completion ="failed" type ="file" >
I'm working with a xml messaging system, where a message packet is read from a queue, and applied against a rule with a pattern in it. If the pattern matches, the rule fires and some elements, node etc of the xml are read and stored. The definition of what to be read from the message is defined using Xpath expression. For example, the following xpath takes the severity attribute and store it.
So, I would take that xpath, compile it, and read the serverity attribute and store for latter use.
When I go to create the new XML message using the stored value, there may be a case that the completion and type attribute are mandatory.
So question is, how do I check if those attributes need to be written out. I know that schema is involved somehow, but how do you do it. More to the point, if the user selects only the severity attribute, how would I go about, adding in the rest of the structure, like Classification, Message and other elements, when have additional xpath lookups, for example down at