



After running the conversion wizzard for a vc++ 2003 proyect - which ends with no errors - I get vc++ 2008 to sucessfully compile the project. Then, when launching the exe, a message pops up saying that the program cannot start because MSVCP71D.dll is missing. Any ideas on why a project compiled on vc++ 2008 would ask for MSVCP71D.dll ?


Update: I am trying to compile the ARToolkit using VC2008.

+2  A: 

What binary files came with the project? You seem to be linking against a static library or DLL that was built with VS7.1 -- hopefully you can rebuild that file in VC9 there.

Also, for what it's worth, note that the D at the end of "MSVCP71D.dll" indicates that it's looking for a debug build of that DLL.

The ARToolkit has several libraries in the lib folder, some of which with that same "d" suffix indicating a debug build -- those libraries were most likely built in VS2003 given your results. I'm not sure if you can rebuild in VS2008 from the lib/SRC directory, but that might be a start.

Mark Rushakoff
Thanks, I am trying to compile the ARToolkit using VC2008

Looks like you need to build it as "release" so that the application does not look for that debug library at run-time.