




Hello all,

I am trying to build a small facebook application, though first I want to find out if its even possible:

My application invovles the user writing down some content in the setup phase. Then, once data is submited the application needs to alert the user within a range of time. Here starts the tricky part, if the user doesn't respond to the alert (usally in the notification part, right?] I wan't to write on his profile wall, is this even possible ?

I've been thinking this over, and I have a second possible action plan, this too might not be allowed: Is it possible to show the user a popup window within a certain ammount of time, without him even clicking the application (he added the application, he forgets about it for two weeks, logs on one day and sees this popup caused by my app).

Thank you!

+2  A: 

Are you looking for Stream.publish?

wow, that was quick and concise. Thank youDo you know if it possible to prompt the user with a dialog box (yes \ no)?
No, I don't think you can, especially when the user is not using the application. You can however, send a notification - http://wiki.developers.facebook.com/index.php/Notifications.send
Great, thank you
Ok, I am few days into development. built most of what I want, left with one question through. Can I post to user profile wihtout having him connected to the application, or facebook at all (similar to how a notification works, just to his profile)

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