



I'm trying to enumerate computers in NT4 domains (not Active Directory) and support Unicode NetBIOS names.

According to MSDN, WNetEnumResourceW is the Unicode counterpart of WNetEnumResource which to me would imply that using this would do the trick. However, I have not been able to get Unicode NetBIOS names properly using WNetEnumResourceW.

I've also tried the C# rough equivalent DirectoryEntry using the WinNT: provider with no luck on Unicode names either. If I use DirectoryEntry on Active Directory (using the LDAP: provider) I do get Unicode names back. I noticed that during some debugging my code using DirectoryEntry and the WinNT: provider, the exceptions I saw were of type System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException which tends to make me believe that this is just calling WNetEnumResourceW via COM.

This web page implies that for some Net APIs the MS documentation is incomplete and possibly inaccurate which further confuses things. Additionally I've found that using the C# method which certainly results in cleaner, more understandable code also yields incomplete results in enumerating computers in domains\workgroups. Does anyone have any insight on this? Is it possible that computer acting as the WINS server is mangling the name? How would I determine this?



I'm trying to do the same thing, but like you, I'm not getting anywhere. Any suggestions?
