



I am wondering if its possible to have Netbeans display PHP Documentation for functions/methods/classes when you hover the mouse over a piece of code. I know it shows up documentation as a part of code completion but I don't want to have to start typing out the name of a function which is already included within the source just to read some information on it.

This question is similar to this one but that covered Python and the solution given in that question of holding down Ctrl while hovering just shows a string like "Method: functionName (fileName.php) where as I would like to get the full documentation you get when you start typing out for example "MyClass::someStaticFuncti" with auto complete.

I am currently using Netbeans IDE 6.7.1 and tried this with custom classes/methods with PHPDoc and also builtin PHP functions.


for the 6.7.1 version of netbeans its not possible. The only thing possible is to CTRL+Click that will take you to the declaration place and you can see the docs. I know its not elegant but its the only thing i know possible

I don't suppose you know when / if this might be getting added?
there is nothing on the official website, i think they have a bugtracker .. so you could add a feature request and get an oficial answer