I'm looping through Some xml in .net and assigning Xml elements to string variables.
Those variables are passed into a method that takes three arguments. That method runs a stored procedure in SQL Server 2005 that queries the database with those three arguments.
The method and sproc run fine when passing in the arguments manually. But when i try to get the arguments from the xml file Visual studio says "Procedure or function usp_CreateOrgDataSet has too many arguments specified."
This is the code for the method below
private void GenChart_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
//Open Connection
conn_Org.ConnectionString = Set_OrgChartConn();
//Load xml Config file
XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
XmlElement root = doc.DocumentElement;
XmlNodeList nodes = root.SelectNodes("/root/Org");
foreach (XmlNode node in nodes)
string Title1 = node["OC_Ttl1"].InnerText;
string Title2 = node["OC_Ttl2"].InnerText;
string OrgName = node["OC_OL31"].InnerText;
//Grab Chart data
GetChartData(Title1, Title2, OrgName);
this is the getChartdate Method
private void GetChartData(string OC_Ttl1, string OC_Ttl2, string OC_OL31)
OC_Ttl_1 = OC_Ttl1;
OC_Ttl_2 = OC_Ttl2;
OC_OL3_1 = OC_OL31;
//Execute Stored Procedure
cmd_Org.Connection = conn_Org;
cmd_Org.CommandText = "dbo.usp_CreateOrgDataSet";
cmd_Org.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
cmd_Org.Parameters.AddWithValue("@OC_Ttl_1", OC_Ttl1);
cmd_Org.Parameters.AddWithValue("@OC_Ttl_2", OC_Ttl1);
cmd_Org.Parameters.AddWithValue("@OC_OL3_1", OC_OL31);
//Output xml
DataSet orgDataSet = new DataSet();
orgDataSet.ReadXml(cmd_Org.ExecuteXmlReader(), XmlReadMode.Auto);
orgDataSet.WriteXml("InputXMLFiles/" + OC_OL3_1.Replace(" ","_") + ".xml");
THis is the XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
At the point of the error the locals window has the following values:
OC_Ttl1 "Test2" string OC_Ttl2 "Test2" string OC_OL31 "OrgName2"string
The first Iteration succeeds, but fails on the second.