




Hi. I made in GWT custom modal message box. It has also bottom layer. This means that I expect restriction of any user action at the page except clicking 'Ok'.

I made something like this (click on the 'show dialog box').

I have made bottom layer that covers all bottom controls. It has style:

.glass {
    background-color: #000;
    opacity: 0.50;
    -moz-opacity: 0.50;
    filter: alpha(opacity = 50);

    width: 100%;
    height: 100%;

But the problem that in firefox user can click middle mouse button and scroll away, to the area that bottom layer will not cover.

In GWT i disabled scroll. It helps in IE, but not in FF.

Window.enableScrolling( false );

How to disable middle mouse scroll for short time? Or i can make CSS for panel that will cover also hidden page area?

Thanks for any help! and Sorry for my english.


There's a GlassPanel in the Google Web Toolkit Incubator - you might get some ideas from there (they didn't solve/restrict the middle button, just extended the panel to cover the whole page, including the hidden area).

Igor Klimer