




I was wondering if anyone knew of any books published on the topic of REFAL programming language?

I know there were a couple of conferences in NYC many years ago, but have not been able to find any books on the topic.

+1  A: 

Have you seen REFAL-5 programming guide and reference manual?

There are some older book chapters showing up in Google Books.

There's also the Refal-2 download page, but work seems to have stopped several years ago on a version 0.2.

Jim Ferrans
+1 for Google Books

A very good book (in spite of the boring title) is "Refal Plus Reference Manual". First part of the book is a brilliant introduction to programming in the Refal Plus dialect of the Refal language, with a lot of examples. Second part is formal description (really, using structural operational semantics) of the Refal Plus.

Anton Orlov