




in my jsp i have a radiobutton group and a textbox (which is disabled initially) .

whenever user clicks on last(or, one of the) radio button the textbox should be enabled and when user clicks on some other radiobutton text box should again get disabled.

i am able to enable the initially disabled checkbox with the following code :


then how to do disable it again?

it could be a simpler one, but i am new to jquery hence searching around for a simpler one.

any help?


+3  A: 
Andy Gaskell
yeah, but now i have to write this block for all other radiobuttons
Why don't you just put a class on all the other radio buttons "disables-text" and hook up the click handler to that class? Just a thought, I'm a jQuery novice.
Larry Lustig
that's a better idea, thank u. any other simpler ways?
Larry is right. If you need to group radio buttons together use classes or put them in a common container (div for example).
Andy Gaskell
+2  A: 

Always disable it (for every radio button), then re-enable it if the radio button is the one that enables the textbox. Unless the user is on a machine built in 1980, it will be so fast, not one will ever know.

$('radio').click(function() { 
    if($(this).attr('id') == 'enable_textbox') {

Alternatively, if there are multiple radio buttons that will enable the textbox:

$('radio').click(function() { 
    if($(this).hasClass('enable_textbox')) {

Make sense?

thank u farris, that's even better.another problem for me is i am using spring so instead of <input type="radiobutton">i used <form:radiobutton ....>any ideas on selecting all the radio buttons.thanks again.
yes i found one, selector by tag name.also, what will be there when we say $(this) in your code? is it the first selector ($('radio')) or second one ($("#otherDevText"))i am getting some command object name coz i use spring MVC!
I'm not familiar with Spring MVC, but I'm quite sure that by the jquery has a chance to interact with the code, the element *will* be `<input type="radiobutton">`. The answer to your second question: `$(this)` will be referencing the clicked `$('radio')` element.
thank u, yes it is referring to the radiobutton clicked.but in my case "id" attribute is returning some wired result probably because spring MVC tag.any way, thanx for quick reply!