




Hello, I'm trying to create a simple VBS script, in this I need a Function that takes a file path and returns true if there is a file there, and false if there's nothing.

I'm using the following code

Function FileThere (FileName As String) As Boolean
FileThere = (Dir(FileName) > "")
End Function

I get the following Error

Expected ')'
Microsoft VBScript compilation error

Any idea what's wrong? I've tested it with just those three lines in the file and the error still occurs.

+1  A: 

VBScript only has the variant type, you can't specify types explicitly.

Function FileThere(FileName)
    FileThere = (Dir(FileName) > "")
End Function
Julien Lebosquain
+1  A: 

You must remove variable types. BTW, Dir() function isn't available so you must go with following code:

Function FileThere (FileName) 
    Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    FileThere = fso.FileExists(FileName)
    Set fso = Nothing
End Function

Rubens Farias
+1  A: 
  1. there are no types as such in vbs

  2. Dir function does not exist.

    Function FileThere(FileName)

    Dim fso

    Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

    FileThere = fso.FileExists(FileName)

    set fso=nothing

    End Function

    wscript.echo FileThere("c:\boot.ini")
