Hello, I am writing my first real applet and I need to store some data. I've never really messed with putting and maintaining code on the internet, so please bear with me if I'm a little slow to catch on.
I'm building a Calendar applet for work (just a student worker) and I'm not sure how to store necessary information such as the schedules for certain days and login name and password information. I assume I have access to a server and such, but I don't know exactly what I would traditionally need or what I would need to do with what I need.
In the worst case scenario, I could simply put the information into text files and read them on every start-up where the applet is stored, but that definitely seems like a very wrong way of doing things. Can you guys educate me on a few practical ways people accomplish this in the real world. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
Also, as a side question. I've tested the applet class by itself and have got it to run satisfactorily in an html page with the .class file. When I want to incorporate more classes into the applet, I assume I can't use that one .class file anymore, can I? Would I have to compile everything into a .jar and use that in place of the .class file?
Thanks a lot for your help.