



Using Windows7 speech recognition I wish to create specialised vocabularies for recognising a domain-specific natural language in parts of my application. Thus, for example, a specific text entry box could be linked to its own vocabulary and limited to a small subset of language, e.g.

throw the axe at the troll

where "troll" is in the vocabulary but "trawl" is not. The application should be able to learn, so:

throw the axe at the arggly

should allow "arggly" to be spelt out and recognised and added to the dictionary.

+1  A: 

This depends on how you're implementing the speech recognition. If you're using SAPI directly, I'd look at implementing an application lexicon. If you're assuming that WSR is providing the recognition, and you want your WSR to magically discover your new vocabularies, then that's going to be a fair bit harder.

In particular, you need to set up an input scope, and pass IS_PHRASELIST and IS_DEFAULT (along with your custom phrases). Also note that you have to remove the input scope before the window gets destroyed.

Eric Brown