+2  A: 

Where is your skinHeight and skinWidth being set? Typically, degrafa examples do something like this in the skin to update the height/width:

override protected function updateDisplayList(unscaledWidth:Number, unscaledHeight:Number):void{
                super.updateDisplayList(unscaledWidth, unscaledHeight);
                awidth = unscaledWidth;
                aheight = unscaledHeight;


In addition to that, I needed to do this:

override public function get measuredWidth():Number {return 16; }
override public function get measuredHeight():Number {return 10;}

in my scrollbar skins to get the height and width I wanted. (same for both V & H as they do rotation internally). There was some hacky code in the Flex scrollbar skins and my bars weren't showing up either.

But I'm not currently using degrafa for my skins, so there may be another issue. I don't have any examples in front of me.

overriding updateDisplayList is no longer needed. GraphicBorderSkin has variables skinWidth and skinHeight that replace the necessity for the overridden function
Ok. Still, try setting the measuredHeight/measuredWidth. Or debug into the updateDisplayList function to see what the dimensions are.
you were right, I was getting 0 for both measurements
The only part you need though is the overrides for measureWidth and measureHeight. Thanks for the help