I am adding layout management to my winforms GUI which really just means that you can "Save" the current column settings with a "Key"
so for example you can have "View 1" or "View 2".
anyway, i dont have much real estate on the screen but i am trying to figure out the best way to:
- Allow you to save the current layout as a "Saved Layout"
- Allow you to select another layout and apply it.
Right now i have:
- Save Icon
- Combobox that has a list of saved layouts
- Apply Icon
It works ok but it look a little unclear because the dropdown combobox is available and doesn't necessarly correspond to the view you are looking at.
I thought one idea was to instead of showing the combo, to just have two buttons:
- Save layout
- Apply existing layout.
when you clicked #2, this would then turn into a dropdown and show the other layouts.
thoughts or any other suggestions on a clear way to visualize this?