We are trying to update our classic asp search engine to protect it from SQL injection. We have a VB 6 function which builds a query dynamically by concatenating a query together based on the various search parameters. We have converted this to a stored procedure using dynamic sql for all parameters except for the keywords.
The problem with keywords is that there are a variable number words supplied by the user and we want to search several columns for each keyword. Since we cannot create a separate parameter for each keyword, how can we build a safe query?
@CustomerId AS INT @Keywords AS NVARCHAR(MAX)
@sql = 'SELECT event_name FROM calendar WHERE customer_id = @CustomerId '
--(loop through each keyword passed in and concatenate)
@sql = @sql + 'AND (event_name LIKE ''%' + @Keywords + '%'' OR event_details LIKE ''%' + @Keywords + '%'')'
EXEC sp_executesql @sql N'@CustomerId INT, @CustomerId = @CustomerId
What is the best way to handle this and maintaining protection from SQL injection?