




Im trying to get the ID of the <div> element here so that i can use it to animate the opacity of the when i hover over the div with class 'module'.

i have set the opacity of all the <div> elements with class 'moduleInfo' to 0. So basically what im trying to do here is when i hover my mouse over the module with ID modulePic_1 i want the corresponding <div> element which in this case is moduleInfo_1 to appear.

hope im making some sense to u all...

<div class="module" id="modulePic_1">
    <div class="moduleTitle">
     <div style="float:left;">d</div>
     <div class="moduleInfo" id="moduleInfo_1"></div>

    <div class="module1">

<div class="module" id="modulePic_2">
    <div class="moduleTitle">
     <div style="float:left;">d</div>
     <div class="moduleInfo" id="moduleInfo_2"></div>

    <div class="module2">
+1  A: 

If you have a direct correspondence between the _1 values on each entity, you simply need to do a "split" on the original modfulePic_1 value, grab the trailing digit, and then grab the corresponding moduleInfo by constructing the selector:

    var digit = $(el).attr('id').split('_')[1];

    var sibling = $('moduleInfo_' + digit, el);

        // do something to sibling;

        // undo something to sibling;

EDIT: Wait, we're all overthinking this. You don't need the ID selectors at all:

  function() { $(this).find('.moduleInfo').show() },
  function() { $(this).find('.moduleInfo').hide() }

Here's what I had before, if the above doesn't suffice:

function getModNum( className ) {
  return className.split('_')[1];

  function() {
    var modNum = getModNum( $(this).attr('id') );
  function() {
    var modNum = getModNum( $(this).attr('id') );
thanka lot m8,worked like a charm........