I am getting the last 20 updated records in the database by using the following
var files = (from f in filesContext.Files
join ur in filesContext.aspnet_Roles on f.Authority equals ur.RoleId
join u in filesContext.aspnet_Users on f.Uploader equals u.UserId
orderby f.UploadDate descending
select new FileInfo { File = f, User = u, UserRole = ur }).Take(20);
I am then splitting the results in my view:
<%foreach(var group in Model.GroupBy(f => f.UserRole.RoleName)) {%>
//output table here
This is fine as a table is rendered for each of my roles. However as expected I get the last 20 records overall, how could I get the last 20 records per role?
So I end up with:
//Last 20 Records relating to this UserRole1
//Last 20 Records relating to this UserRole2
//Last 20 Records relating to this UserRole3