



I'm writing an html page with some jQuery for style. So I have the following:

$("table tr:odd td").css({"background-color":"rgb(233,247,255)"});

This makes every other row bluish. But just now, I put a table inside one of the cells. What happened? Well, it treated the row of the inner table as if it was a row in the outer table, and the coloring got messed up (two consecutive blue rows, while the row in the inner table was left white).

So, how do I exclude sub-tables in a selector like this? Anyone?


Thanks for your ideas and answers. I came up with this bit of code, because what I really want is to have all tables have even/odd coloring (not just top-level tables):

{   $(this).children().children(":odd").css({"background-color":"rgb(240,255,250)"});

The problem is that this seems to only color the first row - I have no idea why. Does anyone see why?

SOLUTION: I figured it out. The problem is that browsers do in fact insert a tbody tag, and you have to figure it in. Heres the final result i'm using:

{   $(this).children().children(":odd").children().css({"background-color":"green"});
+7  A: 

You can use the child selector >. They browser should insert a tbody element though:

$("#myTable > tbody > tr:odd > td").css({"background-color":"rgb(233,247,255)"});
@Greg- that doesn't appear to work -
Russ Cam
This still selects cell in the child table because it has its own tr elements.
Lance Fisher
You need to select a specific table
+4  A: 

The easiest way is to give the outer table an identifier, such as a CSS class or id. Then it is trivial. By the way, I think the selector :odd should be :nth-child(odd)

$("table.highlight > tr:nth-child(odd) > td")

Here we use the CSS class highlight on the outer table and therefore the inner table cells in odd rows do not get the style applied.


Without some kind of identifier, things are a little trickier, but this works (although I'm sure there's a more succinct way of doing this)

    .filter(function() { return this.parentNode.nodeName.toLowerCase() !== "td" })

find() cannot be used instead of children() because the odd rows of the inner table would also match and be returned in the wrapped set.

Here's a Working Demo


In response to your edited question, striping odd or even rows for each table is straightforward

$('table tbody').children('tr:nth-child(odd)').css({"background-color":"green"})

I would recommend to use :nth-child(odd|even) over :odd|even since the former is one-based index and therefore the odd rows (1,3,5,etc) are selected; The latter is zero-based, meaning that the even rows (2,4,6,etc) will be the "odd rows". In my opinion, not completely aligned with the selectors semantic name. Also, I would recommend using a CSS style for this over inline styling, and apply the CSS class to the <tr> using addClass(). Using CSS classes will allow you to easily modify the styles to apply and reuse them on different pages. Something like the following,

tr.odd > td  { background-color: green; }
tr.even > td { background-color: red;   }

To apply zebra striping to a table, you have, in my opinion, two real choices

  1. Apply one background color to all <tr> elements in a table and then simply add a CSS class to odd/even rows to add the other background colour you want to stripe with.

  2. Apply both CSS classes using jQuery.

Here's some code for the second option

$('table tbody')                 // find <tbody> that are descendents of <table>
  .children('tr:nth-child(odd)') // find odd <tr>
  .addClass('odd')               // add odd class
  .end()                         // jump back to previous wrapped set
  .children('tr:nth-child(even)')// find even <tr>
  .addClass('even');             // add even class

And a Working Demo. add /edit to the URL to see the code.

Russ Cam
+1 for illustration , and multiple answers
Madi D.

What is the parent element for your parent table? Try using a descendant selector with it. e.g. If your parent table is directly under the body:

$("body > table >  tr:odd > td").css({"background-color":"rgb(233,247,255)"});

or if you've specified tbody in the markup:

$("body > table > tbody > tr:odd > td").css({"background-color":"rgb(233,247,255)"});
Lance Fisher
`tbody` is not necessary if you haven't specified on in the markup - - a demo using a CSS class identifier
Russ Cam
Thanks, I've incorporated your comment into my answer.
Lance Fisher

Greg's example:

$("table > tbody > tr:odd > td").css({"background-color":"rgb(233,247,255)"});

Will not work because it will select all tables on the page. The best solution is to add an ID to the table and change the code to:

$("#the-table > tbody > tr:odd > td").css({"background-color":"rgb(233,247,255)"});
+4  A: 

Russ Cam inspired me to answer the question again without using an identifier on the table and this is what I came up with:

$("table:not(td > table) > tbody > tr:odd > td").css({"background-color":"rgb(233,247,255)"});

Here I select all td's, in every odd row, in tables that are not children of a <td>. Working demo here.

+1- it works, is a better selector and less winded than using `filter()` as I suggested. I thought there would be a selector way :)
Russ Cam
This works great for exactly what I asked for. The problem is, I wasn't entirely clear. I don't want to *exclude* all subtables - I just want each table to be treated individually (even subtables). But this is a good solution and I could use it for each level of tables separately. Thanks!

Hi, everyone, just discovered this website, which is amazing! I have a similar problem, but instead of a table is a div.

Since: $('ul#postlist li:even').css('background','red'); is not working, maybe you guys can help me. Is about selecting of even/odd child of a ul, so is about li. Is there any other way to select li (even/odd) elements and add to them a different style? Thanks a lot!

$('#postlist').children(':even').css('background','red'); // should work .