



Are there any CMS'es, written in functonal programming languages (lisp, haskell, f#/nemerle, scala, erlang, clojure, smalltalk) already?

+4  A: 

Lambdium Light is a CMS written in OCaml with Eliom (Eliom is an extension for the Web server Ocsigen that allows dynamic webpages generation.Ocsigen is also written in OCaml)

Mehdi Asgari
+6  A: 

In OCaml:

+2  A: 

Unfortunately my answer will be very partial. I hope other people will know more about this topic.

Some subaspects of content management have surely been implemented in Haskell:

  • I heard about a wiki system implemented in Haskell: Flippi. As far as I know, it stayed very minimal, and its maintenance has been discontinued. Haskell wiki is not maintained with it.
  • As for version control, the Haskell-implemented, quantum-mechanics-inspired darcs proved to be successful, and its maintenance is still alive and active.

Some more information about wikis and content management systems implemented in Haskell can be found here on Haskell wiki. There are several attempts for wikis. Two links provided for data management systems (Halipeto and Hope) are broken, but they can be retrieved by's "way-back machine". Still, Hope's darcs repo is available directly, you can check it out by:

darcs get --partial

I'd strongly recommend looking at what's on Hackage instead. E.g. gitit and orchid, There's many other up-to-date web libraries there as well.
Don Stewart
Thank You very much for this information.
+2  A: 

Erlang attempt is Wikie.

Hynek -Pichi- Vychodil
+1  A: 

Smalltalk has wonderful seaside web-framework, with Dabble DB being one of the most famous users among many other.

+6  A: 

The wonderful gitit wiki is written in Haskell: It uses darcs or git as a storage layer. The darcs wiki runs on gitit,

Don Stewart
+3  A: 

Zotonic looks promising (in Erlang)

+2  A: 

For guys, who know russian, there is a common lisp cms here (github link).
