



Hi there!

Im using Linq...more specifically, PLINQO. anyway the following is an example of a query I have bound to a datagridview (winforms):

    public static List<Task> GetUserTasks( Guid userID ) {
        using (myDataContext ctx = new myDataContext()) {
            try {
                return ctx.Manager.Task.GetByUserID( userID ).ToList();
            } catch (Exception) {

In my UI, I have the following setup to bind:

        BindingSource bs = new BindingSource();
        bs.DataSource = DUtasks.GetUserTasks( User.Current.UserID );
        dgvTasks.DataSource = bs;

It works, but no sorting is possible. I tried "AsEnumerable()" instead of "ToList()" but that for some reason, throws an "objection reference" error. Any ideas as to how I can proceed on this front?

Many thanks!


Have you tried returning an IOrderedEnumerable? Not sure if it will help but that is designed to handle ordered LINQ results.

HI robber. No unfortunately that does not work. I already have tried an "orderby" appended to the query with no result. I got the sort property in each column set to automatic (oh, btw, I hjave chosen not to autogenerate columns, if that makes a diff.), so I know that as soon as I have it right the SortGlyph is supposed to appear, right?

OK, problem sorted!!! :)

found the following link: SortableBindingList... (my comment is at the bottom with converted C# working code).

Now all my query methods that return List<(ENTITY)> simply get used like this:

        SortableBindingList<Task> sortedTasks = new SortableBindingList<Task>( DUtasks.GetUserTasks( User.Current.UserID ) );
        dgvTasks.DataSource = sortedTasks;
        dgvTasks.Sort( colTaskDue, ListSortDirection.Ascending );

Hope this helps someone!
