"to manage an app with multiple forms."
Hi Cody,
Tip : do keep in mind that you have access to a very handy way to know, at all times (in any context where you are using the System.Windows.Forms library) the number of open forms in the Application via :
I think a lot depends on what exactly you mean by "manage" your multiple forms, and by what you mean by the term "sub-forms." I'm assuming you're already familiar with the built-in MDI multiple window facility in .NET, and looking for an alternative to that, or you wouldn't be asking this question. Please correct me if my assumptions are wrong.
If you mean by "sub-forms" : forms created within the scope of your "Main Form," then they will, of course, be disposed when the Main Form is closed.
I personally like the "multiple independent window" model in WinForms sometimes referred to as SDI+ (I think it was Chris Sells that coined this acronym).
I like to start by "hi-jacking" the standard Program.cs file so the Main procedure looks like this :
static void Main()
// it's now your responsibility to shut down the application !
Where 'Intializer is a public static class with one public static method 'Intialize; it might look something like this :
public static class Initializer
public static StartFormTemplate StartForm;
public static MainFormTemplate MainForm;
public static void Initialize()
MainForm = new MainFormTemplate();
MainForm.FormClosing += new FormClosingEventHandler(FormClosing);
// StartForm will display MainForm in this case
// MainForm.Show();
StartForm = new StartFormTemplate();
StartForm.FormClosing += new FormClosingEventHandler(FormClosing);
Every form created within the scope of the Initializer class is going to be an "indepedent window" (effectively with : Parent == null).
The interesting "business" in this model is the logic in the FormClosing event (not shown here) which, in this example, both StartForm and MainForm share. You can easily test for the Mainform closing by taking the 'sender parameter of the FormClosing call and comparing to MainForm :
MainForm == sender
And you can use Application.OpenForms.Count to detect when there is only one "independent" window left to close. The tricky part is making sure you detect the cases where you want to keep the MainWindow open and handle those first, cancelling the FormClose event as necessary.
I think that's enough for starters : this may be a "primrose path" you don't really wish to go down :)
best, Bill